Chana Gamliel

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Torah Mantels for Yeshivat Lev HaTorah

This STUNNING custom Torah mantel was commissioned by the Maged family of Toronto for the Lev LaChayal Lone Soldier Program at Yeshivat Lev HaTorah.

Lev HaTorah is a Hesder Yeshiva, which means that their bachurim study in yeshiva for a few years and serve in the IDF for a few years, all part of the same program.

Lev LaChayal brings a Sefer Torah to the army base where these Lone Soldiers serve, every single week. This allows the soldiers to connect with their friends from yeshiva and pray with a familiar Torah!

Here are some of the layouts that we make on the computer before we start all the sewing. there are always new revisions, and different options based on what the donor likes.

Here’s the final design:

So happy to have a chelek in this wonderful zchut!

The donor also donated another Torah for the yeshiva.

They picked a Torah mantel design and wanted it with different colors. So we showed them a design, and how it would look like.

The colors still didn’t seem to quite fit what they were going for. So we tried it in blue and that’s what won them over!

Here’s how the second Torah Mantel came out. with the front and back!