Fundraising Has Never Been So Beautiful (And Effective!)

What synagogue is not struggling in their fundraising efforts?

Here is my unique solution to assisting your congregation achieve your fundraising goals, while achieving an inspirational and unified look.

Through our coordinates, we help shuls in their fundraising.

Depending on their donation, big or small, each one receive a divine recognition.

A touch of divine is what they get for their donation:

Parochet Donations: name embroidered on the front for the big donor

               . name printed on the back for small donors on printed plaques, on the branches of the tree of life.

               . that same design will appear on the back of the Bein Gavra cover

. also, each donor will receive a certificate, with the print on it, and his name highlighted saying he/she contributed to the Parochet of the Shul.mThat certificate could be framed and hanged in his/her home wall.

Together with the members of the Shul, you try to express through the design, the soul of the shul. Through design coordination, the soul of the shul is present everywhere. Simple object like a Challa cover, a kippa, ….., get the stamp of the divine as the shul sees it and feels it.

Let’s take a look at this beautiful flame design and see how it can be adapted to so many things:

- an Aron Kodesh
- a parochet
- a bima cover
- a Torah mantel
- a Tallis/Tefillin bag set
- a Challah Cover
- an educational Hachnassat Sefer Torah pamphlet
- a Bein Gavra cover
- a Modim D’Rabanan Plaque
- a stained glass window
- a Donor Wall
- a shul calender
- a kippa
- a Tzedaka box

(Some of these items have a minimum order.)