Custom Silver Rimonim, Yads, Crowns and Choshen Breastplates

Coordinating Rimonim and Yads to Match Your Torah Mantels

Recently, my discerning custom Torah mantel customers inquired re: modern, stylish silver Rimonim and Yads.

I was like, “Are you up for a journey? I’d like to learn how to make them. You will be my first silver Rimonim and Yad customers!”

So here you go- Custom, modern Rimonim and Yads

Note the beautiful coordination between the Torah mantels and silver Torah accoutrements.

Pricing: We can either do pure silver or silver-plated brass.

We can either do fully custom (more expensive) or base your Rimonim on one of my existing designs (more affordable).

To give you an idea of my prices, a fully custom-designed set of pure silver Rimonim starts at $5000 + shipping.

Reminder: everything I do is MADE IN ISRAEL WITH LOVE!

For Music Lovers:

For Clean-Look Lovers: