Silver Rimonim

Mr. E. was thrilled with this ultra-modern Torah mantel that I designed and produced for him.

"Chana, do you know where I can get nice Rimonim? Not those horrible traditional ones with the bells?"
I literally could not find anything modern that would flow with the 'clean design' Torah mantel that I had created for him.

"What do you think about me trying to design and create a custom set of Rimonim for you? To match your sophisticated mantel?", I asked.

"Go for it!", he replied.

Wow, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
I did not realize that I had perfected my design and embroidery production line for maximum efficiency. So I expected these Rimonim to happen quickly.
But here I was starting from scratch in the world of pure silver Judaica! So... it took a loooooong time for these Rimonim to be born!

This is a plastic mold of the remonim mid-production, and the render of the sleek, clean and modern Rimonim that I designed for him.

I also showed him a render of the Torah mantel with the Rimonim, to show a glipmse of how it would look like in real life.
Don't you just love the flow from 'Tree of Life' below to 'Blossoming Flowers' above???

These Rimonim will be placed above a stunning XL-sized Torah, that, by the way, had a letter written in it by Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt"l a few months ago.

Want to hear a story of Hashgacha Pratit?

When Mr. Elharar and his wife came to Bnei Brak a few months back to discuss the scope of their Torah adornment project, we spent the whole 1-hour meeting speaking Hebrew! For some reason, I had assumed that they were Israeli and they had assumed that I was Israeli. We both threw in some English words from time to time.

As they headed to the elevators , they asked me how my English was so good.

I was like, "I'm Canadian!!! From Montreal!"

The wife: "Me too! Where in Mtl?"

Me: "Cote-St.-Luc!"

Her: "Omg, me too! I went to Maimo, and you?"

Me: "Hebrew Academy!"

So we hugged, it was so funny. I never ever (almost) meet North Americans here, let alone CSLers!

I went on, "And guess what, my husband is also not Israeli. He's Colombian!"

Mr. E: "Are you serious? My dad is the Chief Rabbi of Colombia!"

Wild, eh?