How Much Does A Custom Parochet Cost?

Being that every paroches and cover I design and produce are custom-made to suit each individual congregation, it's very hard for me to give you an exact price in advance.

But I can tell you how I figure out my pricing:

* The design plays a major role in the price. Is it complicated? Full of details? A design from my online collection or a brand new design?

* The embroidery technique used- Applique fabrics? Textured embroidery? Machine embroidery? Hand embroidery? 3D gradient embroidery?

* The embellishments- Many communities are interested in me gluing on hundreds if not thousands of Swarovski crystals on their parochets. (+ $1350-$3000)

I also offer my customers the opportunity of using exclusive Samuel and Sons brand fringe tassels to finish off the parochet. (+ $500- $800)

More or less- a parochet can typically range from $7K-$18K, depending on all the above factors.

An extremely ornate Chassidishe style parochet, embellished with over 2000 Swarovski crystals can reach the $25K-$40K range.

A bima cover can range from $1350 for a plain cover with no embroidery, to $6K for something really elaborate and ornate, with every possible embellishment.

(As a rule, the ‘simpler’ parochets in my online collection start from $7K and a fully custom-designed parochet starts from $10K, and go up from there).

For shuls on a budget who appreciate my designs we can do printed Parochet with embroidered embellishments starting from $5k.

I will be happy to work with you on all the important points:

Message-wise- What message will your parochets/covers convey?

Design-wise- How will the design flow with your interior designer's vision?

Budget-wise- Enough said!

Your parochet is waiting.