The Background of This Beautiful Parochet

Set in Beachwood, Ohio, USA

Giving you a glimpse of my mood board ... for this project. 

We worked very hard on this parochet design together, trying this, trying that, one type of tree, another type... one type of roots, another type.... 

So what do we have here?

Torah Tziva Lanu - in small text, above the main part of the passuk.

Morasha: Represents Torah, the core of our lives.

Kehillat: Represents the shul, Kehillat Beachwood. 

Yaakov: Represents the Jewish Nation or the 12 Tribes.

The Tree of Life's branches/leaves are grouped into 12 groupings, representing the 12 Tribes and accepting/warm welcoming of all types of Jews. Also subtly alluding to the 12 windows that must be in a Shul.

The trunk leads down to stylized roots that are reminiscent of the swirls in the Passuk.