Chana Gamliel

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A Torah mantel in honor of the grandchildren!

A lovely couple with a private home Beit Medrash approached me with an interesting request:

"We want a Torah mantel that will both memorialize the Alteh Bubbeh and celebrate our dear grandchildren."

Here are a few of the points that came up in our many discussions. See if you can find a reference to each point somewhere in the mantel!

1. Your mother's name, Breina, means strong...
rays of sunlight to represent the sun (and your 4 grandchildren + 2 more B”H).

2. Your passuk is:
באברתו יסך לך ותחת כנפיו תחסה צינה וסחרה אמתו
We will design wings with the passuk, from a dove.

3. Your grandchildren all have very unique Hebrew names which lend themselves to rich symbolism. We will subtly include one symbol at the end of each ray of sunlight.


5. KEYRA SHOSHANA - rose on a key

6. YAARA SAPIRA - honey suckle, precious

7. YAIR ELIYAHU- rabbi pinto said that the baby should bring light to their lives, chanukia lit during the day...

Here’s a hand-drawn sketch of all the ideas that we had, for the Torah Mantel.

And then, we brought it to life.

B"H- the couple is thrilled with their custom Torah mantel! I love the way it adds life and color to the room!