Popular Parochet Psukim (Verses)

A Hebrew verse from the Tanach (Bible) is customarily embroidered on a parochet or Torah mantel. Choose a verse that speaks to your heart and whose meaning is both inspiring and relevant.

Here are some of the most popular verses used for embroidered judaica:

1- "Shiviti Ado-shem lenegdi tamid" ("I set G-d before me always")

2- "Ptach sha'arey shamayim litfilatenu" ("Open the Gates of Heaven to our prayers")

3- "Shema Israel Hashem Elokenu Hashem Echad" ("Hear O Israel, the Lord is our G-d, the Lord is One")

4- "Avinu Malkenu ptach sha'arei shamayim litfilatenu" (Our Father, Our King, Open the Gates of Heaven to our prayers")

5- "VaAni Tefilati lecha Hashem Et Ratzon" 

6- "Da lifne mi atah omed" ("Know before Whom you stand")

7- "Eleh mo'adei Hashem mikra'ey kodesh" 

8- "Tekah b'shofar gadol litflilatenu" 

9- "Vetechezena eyneynu leshuvcha letzion berachamim" ("May our eyes behold Your return to Zion in mercy")

10- "Ve'asu li mikdash veshachanti betocham" ("Make for me a sanctuary and I will dwell within them")

11- "Etz chayim hi lamachazikim ba vetomcheha me'ushar" ("It is a Tree of Life to all who hold it, and those who support it are happy")

12- "Derachecha darchei no'am unetivoteha shalom" ("Its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace")