The Manual Embroidery Production Process

Congratulations! You’ve made the wonderful decision to commission a parochet or torah mantel with MyParochet.

Although I offered you applique embroidery and digitized machine embroidery options, you’ve opted for the beautiful manual embroidery option.

You may be wondering what happens from the moment you confirm the design by fax or e-mail, to the moment you receive the finished product.

Allow me to give you a brief glimpse behind the scenes of the manual embroidery option.

1- Using the latest technologies, I design your item to perfection on a Mac computer.

2- The black and white outlines of the design are printed on a large sheet of parchment paper- this is your ‘stencil’.

3- One of my skilled embroideresses uses a needle to punch tiny holes along the outlines on the parchment paper.

4- She then lays the parchment down upon the velvet and brushes a cream across the entire design.

5- Carefully removing the parchment paper, she observes the outlines of the design which have been transferred to the velvet.

6- The embroideress then proceeds to embroider the design, within the outlines, using a vast array of colored high-quality embroidery threads

7- Our seamstress then takes over and lays the velvet down on a large table, carefully marking the border of your item, according to the exact size that we received from you.

8- She carefully cuts the velvet to size, along with a similarly-sized lining.

9- These fabrics are sewn together

10- For parochets: Rings or hooks are sewn to the top of the parochet

11- For Torah mantels: A wooden top is cut to size by our carpenter, and then covered with velvet by our seamstress.

12- Finally, ribbons, gimp and tassles are sewn as finishing touches

As you can tell, your commissioned work is a huge undertaking, but for us it is a labor of love, done with religious fervor and the joy of performing a mitzvah!