2 Aron Kodesh Design Tips from a Syrian Synagogue in Deal, NJ

Haman was right- the Jewish nation is definitely dispersed!

Come learn about the ancient Jewish culture of Chaleb, Syria, which made its way to Deal, New Jersey. While you’re at it, you’ll learn a tip or two from a leading Aron Kodesh producer.

 I had the zchut of meeting Mr. Boaz Katzir of Gabriel Holy Design and hearing his first-hand account of the beautiful Aron Kodesh and museum depicted below:

aron kodesh by gabriel wood art

 “The Aram Tzova community of the city of Chaleb in Syria has a glorious and ancient history. Did you know that Jews have been living in Chaleb since the time of Bayis Rishon (the First Holy Temple)? They thrived there from the time of the Romans to the 21st century!

 “Chalabi Jews have a unique culture and minhagim which are carefully preserved until this very day in Syrian communities worldwide.

“When the Syrian civil war erupted in 2011, Jews still living in Syria made their way to the USA. These last remaining Jews managed to salvage valuable Judaica items and bring them to a new home in Deal, New Jersey.

Beit Yosef’s Tree of Life Aron Kodesh

“In 2017, the elders of the ‘Beit Yosef’ community of Deal approached Gabriel Holy Design to enhance their new synagogue. In effect, they designed and produced the Aron Kodesh (Heychal), Bima (Teyva), mechitzas, bookcases, Beit Midrash furniture and the furniture for the Rav’s private study.

 “In order to achieve the most impressive results, Gabriel, situated in Kiryat Gat, Israel, imported American Walnut and Italian Calcutta gold stone for the Aron Kodesh, which they intertwined with laser-cut and sculptured metal. The Ten Commandments are hidden within the Tree of Life’s branches on this meaningful Aron Kodesh.

What to Know Before Commissioning an Aron Kodesh:

Tips from Boaz Katzir of Gabriel:

1-    This may sound cliché, but I highly advise commissioning your Aron Kodesh specifically from someone who has years of experience working in the synagogue field.  Synagogue furniture is world’s apart from any other type of furniture you may encounter on a daily basis.

Did you know that hundreds of Halachot govern the form and height of  the Aron Kodesh, bima and amud? 

There are also practical considerations that must be taken into account when designing and producing synagogue furniture.

2-        Make sure that your carpenter uses the highest quality materials available on the market. No joke. Synagogue furniture should be produced to wear for at least 50 years. This, as opposed to standard home furniture or even kitchens, which are usually created to last for 10-20 years.